Daycare Scheduling Software

Daycare Scheduling Software from Office Center provides daycare scheduling just the way daycare centers would like - simple, easy, and totally flexible.

All day care scheduling, including Future Schedules, for both children and Staff is included in our Base module Accounts Receivable as part of our Value Modular Pricing.

It has never been easier for day care centers to schedule both employees and children with Daycare Scheduling Software from Office Center.

With our Day Care Scheduling Software, you eliminate the time-consuming use of paper and pencil and spreadsheets along with the frustrations that accompany them.

Our daycare software users especially like the ease of use of a fully automated scheduling program for their daycare centers. Over 9000 daycare managers chose Office Center daycare software for their family, child, and employee scheduling, immunization scheduling, and yes, it even provides for future scheduling as well.

We feel that our software is the top daycare software designed specifically for the child and day care provider to manage employee scheduling and daycare scheduling information the simple and easy way.

Immunization Scheduling

Instead of going through one immunization record after another to determine which children are current or which are overdue or even who is going to become due soon, Office Center Daycare Scheduling Software has made this process extremely easy for your daycare center. A simple report will print out which children need to be scheduled and for what condition.

Children's Schedules

Office Center display each child's current schedule, classroom, and program with in/out and days of attendance. Schedules may be preset, allowing the user to "pick" schedules.

Exclusive Date-Activated Future Schedules

When a new schedule, including any classroom and/or program, is to go into effect, such as when a child moves from one program to another, when a child ages, etc., you have an immediate display available.

Employee Schedules

Office Center scheduling software makes it push-button easy for employees to be scheduled and tracked for accurate payroll records and to assure the proper child-to-staff ratios are maintained.

If you have any further day care scheduling questions, please click on the "Talk to Us" button below for an immediate return call to answer your scheduling questions.