Daycare Management Software
9000 daycare center managers have been wrong in
choosing Office Center Daycare Management Software
for their daycare management and daycare accounting needs?
During the last
15 years, in
"Head-to-Head" comparisons
of the TOP FOUR Daycare Management Software vendors,
over 9000 daycare managers chose Daycare Management software
by Emerging Technologies to manage their day care centers
for all of their day care centers' extensive record keeping
Included in the above are the
U. S. Military,
hundreds of schools, and many entire
School Districts in the
State of
Florida, California
and Texas.
Daycare Management Software "Ease-Of-Use"
The elegance of Daycare Management Software from Emerging
Technologies is easily evaluated by simply
counting the
number of mouse clicks and the number of
screens that you
have to enter and
exit in other software vendors' programs
in order to enter Family Data for a family of four. Repeat
the process with Office Center, and simply compare
the counts on each. Simply put:
"Count the clicks and count the screens. You'll soon
see what Easy means."
You will
never get lost having to memorize a sequence of
steps in a software program only to be interrupted by a
child crying or an important phone call right in the middle
of your work.
The biggest timesaver that you have in the
Center day care management software program is the
ability to "Skip with Open Forms" instead of having to close
a particular screen, go to another one, and then open it up
for viewing.
Unlike other vendors, this capability is extended
throughout the Office Center Daycare Management
Software program to simplify navigation, speed up data
entry, and make it easier to understand and use.
No more
forgetting where you are in a program or what steps you need
to do next!
This simplified elegance in the design of
Center enables you to better utilize the time saved when
teaching and training an assistant the daycare management
software used by your center.
Our daycare management program offers a proven, reliable,
professional, stress-free management software system that
handles all child,
family, and
employee tracking,
record keeping, and
accounting with
unmatched ability to customize it to match your specific
daycare center's needs.
May we send you a Free Working Demo
of our daycare management software that you can input
data from your own center and try it out for 90 days? It
will organize your center,
simplify your life
and make it easier and
less stressful while
saving you time & money.