Daycare Food Program

Daycare Food Program Record Keeping Software by Emerging Technologies will eliminate the drudgery of spending endless hours calculating all the totals required in USDA and CACFP food programs with its Office Center food program.

The Office Center Food Program will enable owners, directors, or their assistants to easily run the totals required for the Federal USDA and CACFP reports. If you currently own the Office Center Time Clock Time and Attendance program, you will love the built-in Time Clock interface!

Calendar-Based Food Program Design

The calendar-based food program design gives you a simple, "Quick-Glance" overview and provides the flexibility to make immediate, on-the-spot changes, visible right on the screen.  It couldn't be simpler to learn and to operate! Food program record keeping software from Office Center will simplify and reduce the time spent managing and recording the USDA and CACFP reports so you will have more time to spend on more important issues of the day.

The first screen below shows the monthly "Quick-Glance" overview and allows you to make meal changes and adjustments right on the viewed screen.

The second screen below is an example of a daily attendance head count for children participating in the Food Program. You can quickly highlight and clear the meals for absent children. Report totals for each meal category can be printed out, and you can get food program reports for all children in the center, for individual classrooms, or for specific programs.


Head counting of meals
Track foods and meals served
Meal Attendance Management (Easy, flexible changes)
CACFP eligibility tracking
Reports of free/reduced/paid meals
Monthly and Daily Reports' Claim for Reimbursement
Interfaces with Office Center's Time Clock Time and Attendance Program
Easy design to learn and use

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